Property laws in the US specify that your father can sell his property without your consent if he is the sole property owner; unless you have a power of attorney over his affairs. There is no law regarding ancestral homes or inheritance that will allow you any influence over his decision to sell.
Questions about property ownership and its sale are sometimes complicated. This is made worse by the differing property-ownership laws in different parts of the world, so it isn’t always easy to find the information you require. One of the most commonly-asked questions deals with parents selling property, like if your father can sell his property without your consent. Let’s find out.
This law differs in a few other countries, but most Western countries follow the same guidelines. If you feel that your father should have your consent before selling his property for whatever reason, you should get advice from a lawyer. But the laws are clear, and there’s very little room for other interpretations. Let’s look at the legal side of property sales in the United States more closely.

Related Reading: Can a Father Sell His Property to His Son? [ANSWERED]
Does Your Father Need Your Consent to Sell His Property?
Unlike parts of the world like India, where Hindu law allows for ancestral homes that must be legally passed on from one generation to the next, the United States does not have any laws that enforce a child’s opinions to be taken into account with regard to the sale of parents’ property. On the contrary, in the US, the only person with a say in the matter is one (or ones) whose name is on the title deed.
Property law in the United States makes provision for a bundle of rights that all property owners have. These rights include the right of the owner to own the property, the right to control their own property, the right to allow or exclude others from access to your property, the right to derive income from the property, and lastly, the right to dispose of your property in several ways.
That last right is the one that we are concerned with now since it gives the bearer of the title the full right to give away or sell their property, either in person or through a will after their death. Of course, any remaining mortgage must be settled along with this transaction as well.
Two things could have an impact on your father’s ability to sell his property without your consent: he must be the sole owner of the property (or have the permission of all the other owners), and you must not have power of attorney over his affairs. Let’s look at both aspects in closer detail.
Is Your Father the Sole Owner of the Property?
This seems like a simple question with a straightforward answer, but it can get quite complex. As mentioned, the owner of a property is the one whose name is on the deed, and they are also the one who may sell that property. But what if there are two or more names on the deed?
Many people buy property in partnership with their spouse or partner. This generally means a 50 / 50 split in ownership of the property. In that case, both of the owners must give their consent for the sale of the property, and in this scenario, your father might need your consent.
For example. Let’s say your father and mother bought property together. The ownership is a 50 / 50 share between them. If your mother passed away and left her 50% share to your father, he now owns a 100% share of the property and can sell it without your consent.
However, if your mother left her 50% share to you, you now own half of the property, and your father may not sell the property as a whole without your consent. You and your father must agree on anything that happens with the property from here on. (For example, you could “buy him out” of his 50% share and keep the home).
Unfortunately, it could get even more complicated if a corporation or organization is involved in the ownership. Some business types in the US are allowed to own property as their own legal entity. If your father owns the property because he is part owner of a business, and the property belongs to the company rather than your father as an individual, things get even more complex.
Keep in mind that a lot of this will depend on the particulars of your case, and you should consult a legal expert to get perfect clarity on the matter.
Do You Have Power of Attorney Over Your Father’s Affairs?
Power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that permits you to handle some or all of your father’s affairs on his behalf. If you have some form of power of attorney, or even legal guardianship, over your father’s affairs, he may be unable to sell his property without your consent.
Power Of Attorney
To get power of attorney, your father must still be of sound mind and have the necessary mental capacity to assign you as his POA agent. There are various POA types, but the two that can determine if your father requires your consent to sell his property are financial power of attorney and general power of attorney.
In other words, if your father, being of sound mind, appointed you as either his financial POA agent or general POA agent, you must give your consent before he can sell his property.
But what if your father is unable to appoint you as his POA agent for whatever reason? In some cases, the courts may place your father under your legal guardianship. The possible causes include:
- Unconsciousness
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Intellectual disability
Let’s assume your father is suffering from any of these conditions and is unable to appoint you as his POA agent. In this case, you may apply for legal guardianship. It is a legal process that will follow after carefully considering your father’s medical condition and your ability to care for him. If it is approved and you become your father’s legal guardian, he will not be able to sell his property without your consent.
Canadian Law for Parents Selling Property
For the most part, Canadian property law is the same as that of the US, and the same implications apply if your father wants to sell his property without your consent. However, there is one uncommon exception in Canadian law. Although it doesn’t happen often, most provinces make legal provisions for it, and that’s the law regarding life estates.
A life estate is a property ownership arrangement where the owner of the property gives another person possession of the property for as long as the beneficiary lives.
In this situation, property ownership is essentially split into two parts: ownership and possession. The original owner remains the valid owner of the property, but the beneficiary takes possession of the property until they pass away. When that happens, the possession right transfers back to the original owner, their estate, or a third party that the owner may have appointed.
So how would this apply?
Let’s say your father gave you property under life estate law. In this scenario, neither you nor your father can sell the property without the other giving their consent. You may negotiate for you to release your life tenant rights back to him or a third party, but without that consent and agreement, it is impossible for your father to sell the property, even if he is its valid owner.
Generally speaking, your father does not need your consent to sell his property under US or Canadian law. There are some possible exceptions, like shared ownership, power of attorney, or possibly life estate agreements in Canada. The matter is complex, and though this should give you a clear guideline, you should consult with a legal specialist to understand your particular situation.