While many children refer to their parents as “mom” or “dad,” gender-neutral parents may not feel comfortable being referred to by those names. Some non-binary parents may desire their children to refer to them using names that resonate with them more.
Kids of gender-neutral parents may call their parents a range of names, including Mada, Nari, Zeze, Dama, Nobi, Nory, and Baba. The name a child calls their parent can affect the parent-child relationship, making it essential that a child refers to their parent by a name that is well-received.
Let’s explore potential names for gender-neutral parents to ensure that non-binary parents are allowed the joys of parenting in an inclusive manner.

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Names Kids Of Non-Binary Parents Use To Call Their Parents
Kids of non-binary parents have a host of names that may be suitable to use when addressing their parents. When addressing their parents, it is essential that the name used is a name that the parent associates with their parenting role.
A suitable name is imperative, as failure to use a name that resonates with their parent may negatively affect the parent-child relationship.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Momma/Mommy/Mom”
Kids may call their gender-neutral parents a name associated with their parents’ sex.
Kids may call their gender-neutral parents “mom” if their parent is a female parent who feels strong maternal senses attached to the word “mom/mommy/mother.”
Additionally, kids may call their gender-neutral parents “mom” if their parent prefers dressing in feminine clothes more than masculine clothes.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Dad/Daddy/Dada”
When a parent resonates with the term “dad” to best describe how they feel as a parent, that is the term their children will use to address them.
Some gender-neutral parents may have been assigned female at birth but strongly identify with male sentiments, causing them to resonate more with the terms “dad/daddy/dada.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Zaza”
Gender-neutral parents may be referred to as “Zaza” as it is a combination of “mama/papa/dada” and incorporates the gender-neutral pronouns “Ze/Zir.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Zari/Zary”
Children of gender-neutral parents may refer to their parents as “Zari/Zary.” The names “Zari/Zary” are derived from the pronouns “Ze/Zir” combined with “non-bin(ary).
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Zeze”
The title “Zeze” is often used by children of gender-neutral parents as it is a combination of the gender-neutral pronouns “Ze/Zir.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Mapa”
A gender-neutral parent name can be “Mapa,” as it is a combination of the terms “mama” and “papa.” This parent name can fit non-binary parents who wish to embrace a sense of masculinity and femininity in their parenting experience.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Dama”
Children of non-binary parents often use “Dama” to address their parents, as it is a combination of “dada” and “mama.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Mada”
“Mada” is a name used by children of non-binary parents when addressing their parents because it is “mama” and “dada” intertwined.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Maddy”
A popular, simple name used by children of gender-neutral parents is “Maddy.” Maddy is a combination of the parental terms “mama” and “daddy.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Pama”
Kids of non-binary parents may refer to their gender-neutral parents as “Pama,” which is a combination of “papa” and “mama.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Moddy”
Gender-neutral parents may have their children call them “Moddy.” Moddy derives from the words “mommy” and “daddy.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nody”
Parents who identify as non-binary may have their children refer to them as “Nody” as it is a combination of the words “non-binary” and “daddy” intertwined.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Moppa”
Children frequently use the name “Moppa” to address their non-binary parents as it is a combination of the words “mom” and “papa.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nary/Nari”
Children of gender-neutral parents sometimes address their non-binary parents as “Nary/Nari.” The names “Nary and Nari” are derived from the words non-binary.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nibi”
Non-binary parents may have their children address them as “Nibi,” which is a derivative of the word “non-binary,” which many non-binary parents feel encapsulates how they feel as a non-binary individual.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nini”
Some non-binaries are addressed by their children as “Nini,” which is derived from the “n” and “i” in “non-binary.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nopa”
Gender-neutral parents may have their kids refer to them as “Nopa,” which stems from the “no” and “pa” of the words “non-binary parent.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Noni”
Children of non-binary parents may call their gender-neutral parents “Noni.” The name “Noni” is created using the “non” and the “i” from “non-binary.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nomy”
Some non-binary parents may be referred to as “Nomy,” which is a combination of the words “non-binary” and “mommy.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents “Nory”
Children of gender-neutral parents sometimes refer to their non-binary parents as “Nory,” a name which is derived from the “no” and “ry” in “non-binary.”
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents On Their First Names
Some gender-neutral parents find it pleasing to be called by their first name. Some non-binary parents feel that having their children call them by their first name creates a strong bond between the parent and child.
This bond may be strengthened when children call their parents by their first name due to the fact that their first name is the name in which they find their identity.
In this regard, children calling their parents by their first name enables the non-binary parent to feel identified by their children in a manner they find pleasing that suits them better than the generic “mom/dad” terms would.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents On Their Surnames
Gender-neutral parents may prefer having their children call them by their surname.
Being referred to by their surname may be particularly relevant if the non-binary parent does not feel an attachment to their name when their name is typically associated with a specific gender.
By having their children call them on their surname, they still feel a sense of association to the name without the attachment of any gender norm that may be attached to their first name.
Kids Call Their Gender-neutral Parents Cultural Names
Some gender-neutral parents may feel a strong association with cultural names that are used to address parents. These non-binary parents may prefer to have their children address them by a name stemming from their culture that encompasses the role of a parent in a child’s life.
For example, in some cultures, the name “baba” can be used to refer to a dad or a grandmother. In this regard, “baba” can be culturally fitting while also encompassing the terms “mama/dada/papa.”
The Importance Of The Names Used For Gender-neutral Parents
While some non-binary parents are comfortable being called mother or father, gender-neutral names are necessary for non-binary parents who do not subscribe to the attributes associated with those names.
It is essential that gender-neutral parents have an enduring name to be called by their children that resonates with the role they fulfill as a parent. As a parent, one would like their children to address them by a name that makes them feel comfortable and loved.
Children calling their non-binary parent by a name that causes them discomfort can be harmful to the parent-child relationship, making it of utmost importance for the name used to be one that is well-received by the parent.
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Gender-neutral parent names are essential to the parent-child relationship in ensuring the parent is addressed in a manner that they feel resonates with their parental role. Popular names for gender-neutral parents are Mada, Maddy, Mapa, Moddy, Moppa, Nari, Zaza, Zari, Zary, Zeze, Mapa, Dama, Mada, Maddy, Pama, Moddy, Nody, Moppa, Nobi, Nary, Nari, Nibi, Nini, Nopa, Noni, Nomy, Nory, Baba, and Dama.