wife refusing to speak to husband during divorce

Wife Won’t Speak to Me During Divorce [WHAT SHOULD I DO?]

Going through a divorce can be the most stressful or stress-free event in a man’s life. It depends on the circumstances leading to the divorce and what you are set to lose when it is finalized. If your wife won’t speak to you during the divorce, there is nothing that you can do about it, but there are ways to deal with this and focus on the things you can control.

Toxic father yelling at his son

Bad Fathers: 9 Signs of Toxic Dads That Hurt Kids

In an ideal world, every child would have great parents who help them grow and develop. However, life isn’t always that simple or just. Children’s lives can be seriously impacted by bad fathers or mothers. Mothers have traditionally been considered as the caregivers and fathers as the providers. Therefore, fathers, especially of the older generation, often find themselves in a gray area regarding their role as “good” fathers.

santa and rudolph figurines

Who Is Rudolph’s Dad? [ANSWERED]

bleachers and folding chairs designed to keep chiropractors in business. There, these adults sit to watch their little darlings open their mouths wide and bellow “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” or worse, blast it out of a recorder.

family wearing the same outfits laying on grass symbolizing family tendency

What Is Family Tendency? [COMMON EXAMPLES]

Family tendency refers to several members of the same family sharing similar beliefs, behavioral patterns, professional careers, and medical and/or psychological conditions. They’re not genetic, but environmental factors that create traits that pass to the next generation of the family.

man with wedding rings on table files for divorce with paperwork

What Happens If My Husband Files for Divorce First?

What happens if your husband files for divorce before you? In theory, it doesn’t matter who files for divorce first. It may be more beneficial to file first from a planning perspective, but if your husband files for divorce first, it does not mean that you have fewer legal rights. Once served with papers, you will have 30 days to file a response.

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